How to work WordPress template hierarchy?

WordPress themes are powered by template files, which define how the content of your website is displayed to users. These files dictate the structure, layout, and design of your site. In this guide, we will explore WordPress templates, template hierarchy, and how to use them when building a theme effectively.

1. Understanding Key Template Terminology

Before working with template files in WordPress, it’s important to understand some key terms.

a. Template Files

Template files are at the core of how your website is displayed. They control how WordPress shows different types of content, from posts and pages to custom post types. These files can contain PHP code, HTML, and Template Tags (in classic themes) or blocks (in block themes).

b. Template Hierarchy

WordPress uses a system called the Template Hierarchy to determine which template file to load based on the type of content being requested. For example, WordPress uses specific template files to display posts, pages, categories, or archives.

c. Page Templates

Page templates are designed to apply a specific layout or style to individual posts, pages, or custom post types. They allow developers to create different designs for different content types.

d. Template Tags

In classic themes, Template Tags are built-in WordPress functions that help retrieve and display data dynamically. For example, the_title() displays the title of a post, and the_content() displays the content. These tags allow themes to display content dynamically across multiple pages.

e. Blocks in Block Themes

In block themes, WordPress uses blocks instead of template tags. Blocks are modular pieces of content that can be inserted into the template, offering more flexibility and a visual way to build a website’s layout.

2. WordPress Template Files Explained

WordPress themes are made up of template files that control different sections of your website.

a. Classic Themes vs. Block Themes

  • Classic Themes: Use PHP files that contain a mix of HTML, Template Tags, and PHP code to build dynamic websites.
  • Block Themes: Use HTML files and blocks to create layouts, providing a more visual and modular approach to theme development.

When building a theme, you will use these template files to control how different parts of your site, like headers, footers, and sidebars, are displayed. For example, a header.php file might control the header section of your site, and a footer.php file controls the footer.

b. How Template Files Work

When someone visits your site, WordPress determines the correct template file to load based on the type of content being requested. This is done using the Template Hierarchy, which selects the appropriate template based on the type of content (such as posts, pages, or categories).

For example:

  • If a visitor views a single blog post, WordPress will look for single.php.
  • If the visitor is viewing a category archive, WordPress will look for category.php.
  • If no specific template is found, WordPress defaults to the index.php file.

The index.php file is the fallback template for any request that doesn’t match a more specific template. Every theme must include an index.php file to function correctly.

c. Template Parts and Reusability

WordPress allows you to break down templates into smaller, reusable parts known as template partials or template parts. These parts make it easier to manage and update different sections of your website.

Common template partials include:

  • header.php: Manages the site’s header.
  • footer.php: Manages the site’s footer.
  • sidebar.php: Manages the sidebar.

In block themes, these template parts are placed inside a parts folder. You can create additional template parts for any reusable sections of your theme, making your theme more modular and easier to manage.

3. The WordPress Template Hierarchy

The Template Hierarchy is the order in which WordPress looks for a template file to display a page. The hierarchy starts with the most specific template and moves down to more generic templates if the specific one is not found.

For example, if a visitor is viewing a post of a custom post type called “books,” WordPress will look for these templates in order:

  1. single-books.php (custom post type-specific template)
  2. single.php (generic single post template)
  3. index.php (fallback template)

This hierarchy ensures that your theme displays content using the most appropriate template file. Here are some examples of common templates used in WordPress themes:

  • single.php: Displays single blog posts.
  • page.php: Displays individual pages.
  • archive.php: Displays lists of posts, such as category or tag archives.
  • 404.php: Displays a custom 404 error page when content is not found.
  • search.php: Displays search results.

4. Common WordPress Template Files

Here’s a closer look at some of the core template files that WordPress uses:

  • index.php / index.html: The main template file, required in every theme. It serves as a fallback if no specific template is found.
  • style.css: The main stylesheet, required for all themes. It contains information about the theme in its header and controls the site’s design.
  • rtl.css: The right-to-left stylesheet for supporting languages with RTL text direction.
  • front-page.php / front-page.html: This template is used to display the site’s front page.
  • home.php / home.html: Displays the homepage or the latest blog posts if no static front page is set.
  • single.php / single.html: Displays individual posts.
  • page.php / page.html: Displays individual pages.
  • category.php / category.html: Displays posts by category.
  • tag.php / tag.html: Displays posts by tag.
  • archive.php / archive.html: Displays archives of posts, such as by date or author.
  • 404.php: Displays the 404 error page when no content is found.

Each of these files can be customized to give your site a unique appearance and structure.

5. Template Tags in Classic Themes

In classic themes, template files use Template Tags to insert dynamic content into the site. For example, you can use these tags to include other template files or retrieve content like titles, post dates, and categories. Here are some common Template Tags:

  • get_header(): Includes the header template.
  • get_sidebar(): Includes the sidebar template.
  • get_footer(): Includes the footer template.
  • get_search_form(): Includes the search form.
  • get_template_part(): Includes custom template parts.

Below is an example of how you might include multiple template files in a theme:

<?php get_header(); ?>

<?php get_sidebar(); ?>

<?php get_template_part('featured-content'); ?>

<?php get_footer(); ?>

This approach keeps your theme files organized and modular, allowing you to easily update or replace different parts of the layout.

6. Best Practices for Using Template Files

When building a WordPress theme, following best practices ensures that your theme is both flexible and maintainable:

  • Stick to the Template Hierarchy: Understand the Template Hierarchy to create theme files that WordPress can easily recognize.
  • Use Template Parts: Break down your theme into smaller, reusable components to make it easier to maintain and update.
  • Keep it Modular: Separate concerns by placing different sections of the page in their own template files.
  • Optimize for SEO: Use semantic HTML and ensure your template files are structured in a way that search engines can easily crawl and index.


Mastering WordPress template files is essential for creating flexible and customizable themes. Understanding the Template Hierarchy and using template tags or blocks effectively allows you to control how content is displayed on your site. By leveraging template parts, you can build modular and maintainable themes that are easy to update and expand.

Whether you are building a classic theme with PHP or a block theme with HTML and blocks, understanding how template files work will empower you to create dynamic, user-friendly websites.

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