Write a program to check if a number is even or odd?

Here’s a simple Python program that takes an input value from the user and checks whether the number is even or odd:

# Take input from the user

number = int(input("Enter a number: "))

# Check if the number is even or odd

if number % 2 == 0:

    print(f"{number} is an even number.")

    print(f"{number} is an odd number.")

How it works:

  1. The program takes an integer input from the user using the input() function.
  2. The int() function converts the input string to an integer.
  3. The program then checks if the number is divisible by 2 using the modulus operator %.
  4. If the remainder is 0, the number is even; otherwise, it is odd.

The f in the print function refers to an f-string (formatted string literal) in Python. F-strings provide a way to embed expressions inside string literals, using curly braces {}. They were introduced in Python 3.6 as a more readable and concise way to format strings.


name = "Alice"

age = 30

# Using an f-string

print(f"My name is {name} and I am {age} years old.")


  • The f before the string indicates that it is an f-string.
  • Inside the f-string, you can directly include variables or expressions within curly braces {}. The content inside the curly braces is evaluated at runtime, and the result is embedded in the string.

In the example above:

  • {name} is replaced by the value of the name variable, which is "Alice".
  • {age} is replaced by the value of the age variable, which is 30.

The output will be:

My name is Alice and I am 30 years old.

F-strings are preferred for their readability and efficiency compared to older string formatting methods like % formatting or str.format().

You can run this code in any Python environment.

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